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How I Met Your Mother Show

Date Added: November 28, 2011 08:51:29 AM
Author: newshow
Category: Entertainment: Sports Entertainment
After what was decidedly an off week last week, How I Met Your Mother came roaring back this week with one of my favorite episodes of the season so far. And let's not beat around the bush, a large part of why I loved this episode came down to the final minutes, which found Barney and Robin engaged in an intense taxicab lip-lock. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that "Disaster Averted" was everything I'd hoped "The Slutty Pumpkin Returns" would be. It was mythologically satisfying (slap bet twist!), just the right amount of silly (R.I.P. ducky tie), and emotionally exciting (that ending!!). Let's take a closer look.The episode centered around Hurricane Irene. The gang, gathered around their table at the bar, recounted the hurricane while trying to explain the origins of the "No boogie boarding" sign hanging outside the bar to Kevin. In grand HIMYM tradition, the telling of the tale was disjointed by present-day goings on -- in this case, Barney desperately trying to get out of his duck tie deal with Marshall and Lily.   more information:
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