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All About Herpes Remedies

Date Added: February 26, 2010 09:14:26 AM
Author: dacnielle20
Category: Health
Herpes, or herpes simplex as it's called in the scientific sphere, represents a viral disease. There are 2 types of the disease – genital infection whose symptoms are itchy or painful sores on the genitals and oral herpes, also known as cold sores, that influences face and lips. The herpes virus may be transmitted not only through sexual contacts, but through a skin contact as well. Some scientists suppose that the virus of herpes may also be transmitted to an infant during childbirth in case his or her mother is infected. How do you understand that suffer from herpes? You'll see red bumps, sores or blisters on your lips or genitals. They are as a rule either painful to touch or itchy. These bumps are gradually turning into scabs and then are healing. So as to prevent the infection of herpes you have to take proper care about your personal things such as towels and clothes. Do not share these personal things with people infected by herpes virus. You should know that people with strong immune system are less subject to various infections including herpes, so keep to a healthy diet plan and do regular exercises to strengthen your immunity. Sexual contacts are the most widespread reason for herpes infection, so be attentive to your sexual partners and never forget about condoms. In case you are already infected, wash your hands with water and soap after touching blisters and sores not to spread the infection. In fact, there isn't such a medication which truly kills the herpes virus. This is why preventive measures are the best way to avoid the infection. Anti-viral medicines such as Acyclovir or Flamivir are effective in decreasing the symptoms' frequency. They are usually taken as a remedy in the active phase of the disease. Alternative and herbal medicine is known to give some relief in its passive phase. In any case, you have to consult a doctor in order to get some suggestions on curing methods. But nevertheless, there are a number of actions to be taken on your own. First of all, you should keep to a diet plan with appropriate amount of amino acids, such as fish, vegetables and milk products. It's also advisable to decrease the amount of sweet food, particularly the one with aspartame, or a natural sweetener. Apart from diet plan you should use tea tree oil that is known for its anti-viral properties. Such herbs as aloe vera, peppermint and lemon balm are also efficient in curing lip sores.
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